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从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观 [7]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-04编辑:黄丽樱点击率:10774

论文字数:5404论文编号:org200904040909084682语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Lovemarriagediplomatic policyinterests爱情婚姻外交政策利益

is carnal desire. When his fame and reputation were threatened, he sacrificed his love. Though there are some similarities between ElizabethⅠand Clinton, Elizabeth did much contribution to her nation even her purpose is power. We cannot put ElizabethⅠ and Clinton together in terms of the contribution they made, but for the selfish behavior, both of them should be criticized. Ⅲ. Love in the Modern Society A. The Present Notion of Love It is said that there is no love between the strong and the weak. Because the weak can not deliberate on love from their private interests, no matter what they pursue, maybe stability, money or fame. Because they are inferior to their lovers, they cannot understand the ability that is worth loving on the part of the strong, and it is impossible for the strong to reduce them because of the love of the weak. So, his emotion is always with the color of reducing, or the characteristics of some psychological abnormality and despising themselves. The suitable subject of love is with the person who has the same status with you. Because the essence of love is adore mutually. Inferior things cannot produce anything that is greater than them. In the literature works, the true love was hardly secular, as it could not be bought by money. In the Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra wanted to test Antony, asking him “if it was love, tell me how much it is?” Antony replied: “the love measured by money is lacking”. B. The Present Phenomenon of Love In modern society, love is endowed with much secularity. It is related to money and reputation. The young men who want to marry will find a person who has a superior condition, including his salary, housing, job, even his parents’ income. Only when he is suitable for these conditions, they can consider marrying him. As for the other conditions, such as the character, they do not want to think of it. In their minds, if they are not suitable for each other after marriage, it is easy to divorce. After divorce, they can get a great deal of fortune. In any case, they would not suffer losses. There was a piece of news in a newspaper: a 28years old young girl married a 82years old man. I don’t believe there is love between them. Even if there is, it is the love for a grandfather or a granddaughter. It is said that in terms of love, the height, age, weight are not the problem. I believe in it because maybe only money is a big problem. After reading a passage named Without Money, How Could I Love You? It is a real story. We cannot deny that love without bread cannot exist. In this material society, without money, we can do nothing. So it is not strange there are crowds of people who pursued the material enjoyment. Actually when we talk about a successful marriage, we had to consider their income. Money is still a base of happiness. But whether we should reduce the weight of secular things that is endowed to love? When we talk about a marriage, whether should we put the love in the first, just as I want to marry him because I love him, not because he has a good condition? We become more and more cowardly, because we dare not love a person who has nothing. We dare not marry a poor man, a paid-off man because we cannot shake off the material desire. Just like Elizabeth Ⅰ, she cannot marry a man, because she love the throne more than anything, while we love ourselves than anyone else. Conclusion The perfect love regardless of everything doesn’t exist now. When we hear th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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