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美国黑人文化的灵魂—音乐与舞蹈 [10]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:刘宝玲点击率:20258

论文字数:26000论文编号:org200904091722343670语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Afro-Americans culturesoulmusicdancemainstream美国黑人文化灵魂音乐舞蹈主流

t of them were poor Afro-American families. The construction to the upper class’ profits compelled excessive poor families to crow in South Bronx, resulting in being short of community resources. And Afro-Americans could not get more protection from the government, so they got poorer. Because of poverty and the information barriers caused by poverty, younger Afro-Americans created some special methods to communicate, and for self-identity. They often drew on the public wall exaggerated and abstract symbols and words, and later they use their unique sings to take place of meaningless symbols, and then the graffiti art appeared. It was also a tag to distinguish the different communities. DJs played their own music by bullhorn to announce their own styles. At the same time, they wanted to get identified with others by this way. Break dance imitated the machine, and was one behavior of resistance to being deprived of the right of working. Anyway, Hip-Hop culture was not a fashionable thing, but a life style. It was the portrait of the unprivileged Afro-American life. Conclusion Afro-American people had inherent talent to sing and dance, just as their ancestors in Africa, and they used verbal or the oral tradition to convey their history. Back in the days when slaves were sailed to the new land, they were far away from their hometown, and they were not allowed to use their own languages. The pitiful slaves were cut from their roots; accordingly music and dance became the only links with Africa and their native culture. They integrated their own traditional culture with the culture in this new land, and developed a new culture —Afro-American culture, which contributed to the uniqueness of Afro-American culture. During those bitter times, black slaves used music and dance as ways of entertainment and outlets of their feelings. But later, they got freedom, so a great deal of black people crowed into northern cities to find jobs. Their new lives were still hard and bitter, and music and dance remained the only vent for them to express their dissatisfied feelings and sadness. Later, some talented black people even took music and dance as their profession, and music and dance became commercial tools from the individual amusements. In fact, Afro-Americans were congenital musicians. Their music, no matter in the dolorous tone, or in the bright and intense tone, could always touch the audience’ soul, and get responses. The lyrics, especially for R&B, Rap and Hip-Hop music, are very sharp with black people’s slang, reflecting the issues about racialism, violence, ***y corruption directly. Afro-American music was characterized by this kind of direct vent of feelings, which could touch the audience deeply by its special expression. As for Afro-American dance, undoubtedly, Hip-Hop was the most popular style, and the reason why it got such furious reflection by the youth was that exciting and tough body languages could help them convey their feelings as much as they liked. As a matter of fact, it was admitted that African elements, especially the elements of music and dance, made a great contribution to the popularity of Afro-American culture. Initially, any form of Afro-American culture emerged as the non-mainstream culture, and was discriminated by mainstream, and suffered repulsion by white artists. However, very soon it stepped into the mainstream, and became the hottest art style. Certainly, it was impacted by other mainstream cultures, and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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