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美国黑人文化的灵魂—音乐与舞蹈 [9]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:刘宝玲点击率:20256

论文字数:26000论文编号:org200904091722343670语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Afro-Americans culturesoulmusicdancemainstream美国黑人文化灵魂音乐舞蹈主流

n Afro-American dance. Agbekor, the dance style of Ewe, was one kind of western Africa dance. This style was often used in funeral. The rhythmed accompaniment made by the percussion instrument was the most prominent feature of African dance. It endowed African dance with power and passion. Afro-American dance inherited its features. The attitudes towards the lives of Afro-Americans influenced their dance too. Free spirit was shining in the style of all kinds of Afro-American dance, especially Hip. B. Hip-Hop Dance and Culture Hip-Hop dance was the core of Afro-American culture. “Hip” meant the ass, and “Hop” meant jump. Hip-Hop dance was also called street dance, because the black youth developed this kind of dance style in street. Thus Hip-Hop dance features being free, comfortable and random. Originally, it was just the vent for the youth to express their feelings, particularly, the rebellious feeling. Dancers always emoted themselves by the exaggerated body languages. And they got inspiration from their everyday life, even modeling themselves on fighting, or the machines. Hip-Hop dance was an ad-lib. The black kids couldn’t afford some expensive amusements, so they got together in street, and danced as they like, and then the dance style with free spirit formed. With its development, some actions were added in, and even some highly-skilled performances, which made Hip-Hop dance more exciting and challenging. The popular styles of Hip-Hop dance included Breaking, Popping, Locking, Wave, New jazz, House and Cappoie. And it could also be divided into two tapes—Old School and New School. The difference was that the former stressed extended motion and up-down skill, and the later advocated mellifluence, so it seemed to be milder. And the attire was also the remarkable sign of B-boys and B-girls—the dancers of Hip-Hop. They liked to wear big-size attires, which was too big to their own shape. And this style was fashionable in America now, even in Asia; more and more younger people who get crazy about Hip-Hop were in the wave of it. But it is said that the Afro-American youth had to wear the big-size clothes because of poverty, but not fashion. In the 1970s, the Afro-American family was poor with several kids, they couldn’t afford new clothes for every child, the younger kid always took over their elder brothers or sisters’ clothes. So parents always chose the bigger size intentionally in order that the clothes could adapt to more kids. Later, with the popularity of Hip-Hop culture, people find this style of attire was very comfortable and characteristic, so more and more people were fond of it. In fact, Hip-Hop culture was one kind of subculture, and it originated from the unprivileged class, and in the fashion world, it was the grass-root culture. But now it becomes the hottest label in America, and also has great impact in the world. As mentioned above, Hip-Hop was a type of popular culture, including rap music, dance style, graffiti art and fashion. In fact, Hip-Hop was a life style of Afro-Americans, which developed in Bronx in New York during the 1970s. The formation of Hip-Hop culture was due to the poverty. In the 1970s, the gap between the rich and the poor became more and more distinct. Afro-Americans were the lowest class of the society. The most important event, which sharpened this bad status, was the construction f a new highway in Bronx in 1959. That forced almost 60 thousand families to move into the South Bronx, and mos论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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