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英国约克大学毕业论文写作 [11]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-25编辑:felicia点击率:31559

论文字数:16128论文编号:org201408241137217297语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:网上银行现代金融机构网上银行客户Internet bankingmodern banking facilitiesonline banking


t also reduces the risk of cash carrying. But it leads to data access to public which leads to data insecurity and enhances the chances of fraud and embezzlement. Electronic banking involves lower fee and less paper work and human error. Online banking provides customers convenient and inexpensive 24 hours non-stop banking services. Online banking reduces the queues in the banks by providing enhanced distribution channels. Less space and bank employees are used for online banking. In this way these assets can be used in some other lucrative businesses. Customers can easily compare the prices of services in the case of electronic banking so they can make an inexpensive choice. The banks which have switched to online banking have achieved better communication and connectivity with customers. Banks can enjoy more customer loyalty and customer satisfaction by having online banking.

On the other hand the online banking facilities cannot be made wider due to security concerns, technological problems and complexity. Customers find online form filling difficult as they are worried about making the mistakes. Moreover, they find it difficult to wait for log on times as compare to making a phone call. Disruption of information access is another problem that online banking customers find. They are hesitant to use electronic banking because of disruption of information. Security is one of the biggest problems in electronic banking. Customers are afraid that others can view their financial information which can be dangerous. Lack of set rules and laws for governing electronic banking is another risk involved in electronic banking. Since there are no set laws therefore, it can lead to fraudulent. Another disadvantage of online banking is that many people lose jobs and lack of job opportunities prevails in the society. Electronic banking minimizes the inconvenience and reduces the transaction cost and saves times appeared with highest mean scores in the study. Electronic banking has the risk of getting accessed by government and also electronic banking has the chance of fraud etc showed the highest mean scores in the context of risks involved in the electronic banking. Ahmad Kaleem, (2008).

Internet Banking Customer satisfaction and online service attributes:

This study was done to find out whether online banking increases customer satisfaction or not and what are the online service attributes which create more customer satisfaction through onlinet banking and what are the characteristics of more satisfied online banking customers. The results suggest that banks are taking internet banking very seriously and customers are quite satisfied with the online services of banks which is being provided to customers. The study also showed that banks should provide a range of online services if they want to win customer loyalty and trust and satisfaction. Customers should also be provided updated data in order to provide them good online banking services. Hernan E Riquelme, (2009).

E-Business in Pakistan: Opportunities and Threats

Nowadays business is being conducted online rather than conventionally. From management perspectives, there are many technical and non technical problems in business. The last two decades have shown论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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