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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2010-02-09编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:21192

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201002092217221839语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:代写留学生作业ArtsSocial Sciences

代写留学生作业 指导手册 艺术和社会科学专业

Northumbria University
School of Arts and Social Sciences
Module Handbook for

Popular Music and Film
Session 2008-2009
Module Code: MP0609
Level: 6
Duration:  One Semester
Credit Points: 20
Time and Place:
Mondays 1-3 in Lipman 416 (screening)
Wednesdays 11-2 Squires 312 (Seminars)

Module Tutor
Dr Noel McLaughlin

Division: Visual Arts

Welcome to this second semester module. In this handbook you will find important information about the course content, calendar and assessment.

Module Information
This Module is of Level 6, Size 2, and is worth 20 Credit Points.
Screenings:              Mondays 1-3 in Lipman 416
Seminars:                  Wednesdays 11-2  in Squires 312

Module Ownership
The Module Tutor is Dr Noel McLaughlin, Division of Visual Arts, in the School of Arts & Social Sciences. Any enquires about the module should be addressed to him. Dr McLaughlin is based in Room 110, Squires Annexe Building. His telephone number is: 0191 227 3133. His email address is: [email protected]. He will respond to routine enquiries concerning the module. However, Dr McLaughlin does specify office hours when he is available to see students on his office door.

Essay (3000 words)             80%
Presentation              20%

Synopsis of the Module本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供

Popular Music and its relationship to film is much neglected in both film and popular music studies respectively. This module seeks to address this absence by looking at a number of key junctures where popular music culture and the cinema inter-relate. It will follow a historical chronology: beginning with the early examples of the interface of pop / rock music and film, and the emergence of a distinctive “youth” culture organised around music, through the rock counter culture of the 1960s, to punk, hip hop and the present. The module will also focus on the inter-disciplinary theories and methods that have arisen in the study of these two broad areas. 

There will be a 3 hour weekly seminar accompanied by screenings.  Assessment is by 3000 word essay and a seminar presentation.

Aims of the Module
1. To explore the inter-relationship of popular music and film
2. To introduce key concepts in popular music studies
3. To consider the inter-relationship of popular music studies and film studies
4. To foster analytical and communication skills commensurate with the intellectual area

Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of and evaluate popular music and film’s inter-relationship and attendant critical issues.
2. Deploy critical and theoretical material in the analysis of popular music on film.
3. Develop original insights using balanced, logical and                     

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