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留学生旅游管理专业化论文dissertation [11]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-08-07编辑:felicia点击率:17987

论文字数:10467论文编号:org201408071345211835语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:旅游管理旅游者tourism management specializationtouristdifferent environment


slands economy has much more tourism-related activities than others.

Islands like Malta are trying to expand export markets in sells, but it is not successful as these countries wish to be. Looking from different perspective, the natural environment including unique climate and landscapes of Malta gives some advantages in tourism activities. Because of this reason, government set up tourism as priority, and tries to get as much as they can from Malta potential by taking care of the most for them industry. Government can promote campaigns, build new hotels and other tourist facilities, and upgrade flights connections as also sea roads for cruises with other countries. In island like Malta big sector of employment is much more depend on tourism such as hotels, restaurants, airports, seaports, transport, travel agencies, souvenir shops and restaurants, or the agriculture like fishing, banking, printing, or public sector and it is hard if all of the activities where tourists come with contact will be received as an experience.

The large proportion of tourism-related employment in SIDS means that a large proportion of national income originates directly and indirectly from tourism, and this, in turn, induces further income, giving rise to a multiplier effect.

Tourism is also economically important because it is a source of foreign exchange and cultural changes within the country. There are also a number of strength sites which are not directly economic, but which have influence on the prosperity of the local population. For example:

renewed interest in local arts and crafts,

improvements in educational, leisure, communication, medical and other facilities in the host countries,

a general awareness of the man-made and natural aesthetic assets, and a broadening in the outlook of the islanders

However tourism in small islands seems to lead in a number of wrong economic effects. One of the effects is foreign control of tourism and tourist related activities. The income of tourists is often under the control by foreign tour operators, who often have enough negotiate power to decide on the matters related to tourism in the host countries and recommend customers different destination. Also Malta does not always have capital for new establishments and some of them are owned by foreign companies, and this may lead to developments which are not in the long term interest of the island itself.

Malta is also can be the capital for new enterprises, some of which are owned by foreign companies and this may lead to development unfortunately it wouldnt lead to long-term interests of the island. A related problem is that tourism is an industry depends on the whims and fancies of foreign tourists and they can be influenced by popular press and opinions from foreign tour operators who can have significant power to change malta look. Other economic threats are often associated with tourism in any country, but are the most important part of small islands because of the relatively high reliance on this form of economic activity, seasonal unemployment and the rapidly increasing land prices, often accompanied by land speculation.

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