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留学生旅游管理专业化论文dissertation [12]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-08-07编辑:felicia点击率:17990

论文字数:10467论文编号:org201408071345211835语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:旅游管理旅游者tourism management specializationtouristdifferent environment



Impact on the environment because of their small size, and in many small island developing countries are relatively high risk, even in the absence of tourism, mainly due to pressures from economic development. Many islands are rapidly degraded agricultural land, which is usually accompanied by an increase in demand for housing, entertainment and industrial buildings. Economic development contributes to increased demand for resources, some of which are non-renewable sources.

Moreover, emphasis on economic development, are also faced with problems of small island developing states geographical and natural features. Typically, they are unique and sensitive rare ecosystems, as a result of its island location makes these islands as a contribution to global diversity is much greater than in relation to their size. The instability of the ecosystem has been created as a result of their low resistance to external influences. The islands are relatively large banks in connection with the earth. In this way that a large part of the country is liable to wind and waves, which leads to relatively high levels of beach, rocks and soil erosion.

Many of these threats to the environment are getting worse. International communication, for example, requires the absence of tourism, but an increase in traffic due to tourism in connection with the heavy burden placed on many islands. Airports and ports in the islands take a very large area, in relation to the amount of space, which is high blood pressure in land and air. Contribution to the case of aircraft, boats also significantly affects the sound of virtually the entire population of the islands. Large quantities of waste from tourism activities are relatively heavy loads, often only a stone's throw from the tourist centers.

This poses a threat to health (such as creating habitat for rats and other vermin, and toxic substances, leakage of the tank) and reduces the aesthetics of the place. It is particularly important for small island developing States is the fact that tourism is mainly from coastal states of nature. Many of the charming fishing villages on small islands in the tourism industry has changed, and many mangrove swamps have been destroyed, many beautiful beaches, polluted water, fuel, emissions and quieter coastal areas disturbed by noise of maritime trade. Although the island can be considered as a whole, as well as coastal areas, also face particular problems in the interior.

For example, on islands, where ecotourism is recommended (as is the case of Malta), the distance is so short that it is ecologically significant areas easily accessible for tourists who do not have a particular interest in environmental issues, and thus may be unintentionally, to treading vegetation, sensitive face of this rare species. On the islands, where cultural tourism helps, as in the case of Malta, considerable wear damage caused by the frequent visits by tourists.

Another problem is small size related to density. Many islands experience a high density of tourism in relation to population and area. The concept of sustainable development is very important in this regard, as small islands, usually quickly reached the threshold, unless irreversible damage 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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