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留学生旅游管理专业化论文dissertation [13]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-08-07编辑:felicia点击率:17986

论文字数:10467论文编号:org201408071345211835语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:旅游管理旅游者tourism management specializationtouristdifferent environment


to the natural ecosystem. However, there are cases in which tourism can actually lead to environmental protection. The reason is that tourism will create more awareness of the country and be attractive, that the air must be clean, and what should be contaminated. In the case of many small island developing States, and not the day the order of civic cleanliness campaign to keep a clean island is often necessary to place more attractive for tourism. More importantly, perhaps, force dependence on the tourism authorities of the island in more serious view of planning, monitoring and market incentives to take, just because it would in the absence of such mechanisms, the negative impact of tourism on the environment in the long run destroy the tourism itself. Such risks and benefits of tourism, of course, not at the same dose in all small island developing States, as the different islands have different characteristics. Some of them were isolated and further than others, some less than others, a little more knowledge about the environment, sensitive than others, and some of their place of countermeasures against them. The next two sections, the concrete experiences of small island nations in the world in developing countries, and Malta, are described.

The impact of tourism on the Maltese environment

Although, as noted above, the environment in small islands, cannot be placed at the entrance of destination, it cannot be denied that tourism development regard to this is a big problem. This section lists the key areas where the environmental impacts of tourism are evident.

Increase in demand for building

Construction of tourist accommodation, in particular, hotels, units, increase in speed due to intensive development in some areas. St. Paul's Bay Area and Sliema St Julians areas have been completely transformed, because of such a development. Other negative results include the development of intense noise created during construction, large quantities of waste and dust from the ruins of buildings and earthworks. The newly developed tourist facilities, and sometimes make the whole village, have also removed habitats of the Maltese countryside. You can also add the negative impacts associated with aesthetics, especially in the case of new concrete high-rise buildings which have replaced beautiful traditional Maltese houses. Moreover, since the limestone is widely used in construction, support for mining activities has led to an ugly scar in many parts of the Maltese islands, in addition to causing significant damage to the environment of natural habitats and aquifers.

Increased production of waste

The sewage network in Malta is very heavily taxed by the native population alone. Relatively large number of tourists increases the problem. The result is that in recent years, people in the bay were closed to swimming due to sewage contamination. This resulted in considerable inconvenience to the bad smell and an inability to swim in the bays, and perhaps more importantly, which suffered damage to marine life and coastal areas and contribute to the accumulation of toxic substances in marine organisms.


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