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阐释学视角下译者主体性的体现 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-08-23编辑:lgg点击率:6921

论文字数:37927论文编号:org201608191524498499语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



tor is a “genius” of art;  the  “master”  of  original  language  and  target  language,  German  writer  and translation  theorist,  Goethe  also  believed  that  the  translator  was  “the  prophet”.  The translator  was  also  regarded  as  a  “saint”  and  “Master”  in  Ancient  China.  (Ma  Zuyi, 2001:  39).  Liang  Qichao  (1873  ---  1929)  raised  an  idea  called  “three  talents'----“a translator  must  be  good  at  Chinese,  English  and  the  field  s/he  translates---three talents.” (Liang, 1897; 1984: 19). Zheng Zhenduo looked the translator as the spiritual and  emotional  communicator  (Zheng  Zhenduo,  1921;  2000:  220).  There  are  many translation  theorists  comparing  translators  to  “servant”,  “bridge”,  “ferryman”, “coordinator', “artist”, “sculptor”, “invisible man”, “matchmaker”, “parrot” and so on. Many  ancient  and  modern  translation  theorists  just  make  a  general  metaphor  about translator  with  different  attitudes  and  lack  of  further  study;  however  it  still  suggests the  role  and  functions  of  translators  in  translation  attracts  a  lot  of  attentions  and concerns from scholars all the time. 

Chapter Three Hermeneutics and Translator’s Subjectivity.............. 18 
3.1 Important Definitions of Hermeneutics ...... 18 
3.1.1 An Overview of Hermeneutics .... 18 
3.1.2 Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hermeneutics .... 20 
3.2 Theoretical Support of Hermeneutics to Translator’s Subjectivity .... 23 
3.3 Close Relationship between Translator’s Subjectivity and Literary Translation .......... 24 
3.3.1 Basic Principles of Literary Translation ...... 24 
3.3.2 Bidirectional Influence of Translator’s Subjectivity and Literary Translation ...... 27 
Chapter Four Performance of Translator’s Subjectivity in To Live ........... 30 
4.1 A Brief Introduction to To Live .......... 30 
4.1.1 Yu Hua and To Live ..... 31 
4.1.2 Michael Berry and To Live .......... 32 
4.2 Translator’s Subjectivity Presented in Prejudice ....... 34 
4.3 Translator’s Subjectivity Presented in Historicity of Understanding ......... 41 
4.4 Translator’s Subjectivity Presented in Fusion of Horizon ......... 44
Chapter Five Conclusion .......48
5.1 Summary .... 48 
5.2 Implications ........ 50
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study.......... 50 

Chapter Four Performance of Translator’s Subjectivity in To Live from Hermeneutics Perspective 

Translator’s subjectivity is presented by various forms in terms of hermeneutics perspective.  Some  content  in  a  literary  work  may  be  understood  by  different  ways completely  and  论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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