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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-05-24编辑:vicky点击率:178

论文字数:52555论文编号:org202405161757187274语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

Writing is an important output skill.Coherence is a vital aspect to measurewriting quality,which has been studied hotly at home and abroad in recent years.However,there are still many problems with students’English writing.Althoughcollege students have been able to write with correct grammatical norms,theirexpression and organization of ideas often give the impression of ambiguity and lackof smoothness(Chen,2005).Some scholars found that this is due to their failure touse thematic progression(TP)patterns rationally,which leads to illogical sentencesand makes the meaning expressed in an unclear and incoherent way(Cheng,2002).Thus,the lack of logic and connection between sentences is the main problem leadingto the lack of coherence in argumentative writing in the second language(L2).

Coherence is one of the most important features to measure the quality ofEnglish writing.From the perspective of Zhang&Liu(2003),coherence is thecriterion for measuring the completeness and consistency of a discourse and thecohesive device is an significant means of achieving coherence.They think a coherenttext should achieve three levels of coherence,including situation coherence,meaningcoherence and form coherence.Form coherence is reflected in the cohesive device,which is achieved through lexical grammatical hierarchy,voice,and tone.Amongthem,the grammatical hierarchy includes non-structural cohesion(including reference,ellipsis,substitution,conjunction and lexical cohesion)and structural cohesion(including transitivity system,mood system,information system and thematicstructure).Most previous studies on discourse coherence have examined the role ofnon-structural cohesion in promoting discourse coherence(Li,2000;Wang,2003,etc.),while relatively neglecting to study from the perspective of structural cohesion.Zhang&Liu(2003)point out that TP patterns(the above-mentioned thematicstructure)are mechanisms of discourse planning.They emphasize the naturaltransition between sentences in order to achieve the purpose of discourse coherence.


1.2 Purpose of the Research

Argumentative writing is the most common genre of the writing part of collegeEnglish examinations,so it is crucial to find teaching methods to improve collegestudents’English argumentative writing.Chinese students’English writing generallysuffers from confusing logic and weak connection between sentences,which leads toless coherent writing.According to the existing research,TP patterns can effectivelyorganize sentence order and enhance the connection between sentences andparagraphs,thus improving the coherence of the discourse.The continuation task hasa significant effect on promoting learning and improving L2 writing coherence.However,most of the studies which combine the two have focused on the application of TP patterns in the continuation task which is a proficiency test component aboutnarrative writing in the college entrance examination here.There are few studies onhow to combine them to improve the coherence of college students’L2 argumentativewriting.

Therefore,this study adopts the teaching method of combining the continuationtask with TP patterns,an论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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