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揭示目前初中英语教学中存在的问题 [8]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-03编辑:lisa点击率:15474

论文字数:6320论文编号:org201002031126324175语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


t learning?
1. The Principle of a Leader
This way requires that the teachers arrange some proper activities. The teachers must stimulate the students’ interest about English, especially attending the activity itself. For example, after learning the new word HOLIDAYS, the teachers can let the students collect the English phrases and materials about the holiday, traveling, places of interest and so on; and ask the students to discuss how to plan their coming holiday and write a dairy. It’s easy for the students to find this kind of materials and express in English. The students’ initiative is very high and good for their English learning.
2. The Principle of Sequencing
Training the students’ ability to learn by themselves should have the scientific attitude to raise requirement in accordance with students’ real situation gradually. The students often have high passion to join the dialogues. So, the teachers can arrange some interesting and easy dialogues for students. Then, they can practice themselves in a pleasant setting. And at the same time, the teachers can also recommend some simple English books for the students.
3. The Principle of Teaching Students in accordance with their Aptitude
Then students come from different place and have different hobbies, therefore, training the students’ abilities of English learning must esteem their differences. Teachers should give extra help for these students who have difficulties in English learning. But, three points should be paid attention to: First, the key point of coaching is to solve the problems about knowledge’s deepening and systematizing; Second, the coaching should cooperate the teaching and students’ works. Teachers must pay attention to remedy the defect in their teaching and tackle the blocks in students’ works; Third, the coaching’s objective is to find students’ problems on their learning and thinking method. (Wang DuQin, 2002)
The ability of English learning reflects the students’ comprehensive qualities. The abilities of Chinese using, understanding of the social and natural science play a very important role in students’ English learning process. So, the improvement of abilities of English learning depends on the students’ comprehensive qualities, which is also good for the quality improvement.
E Using the IT to Set up the Contextual Teaching
IT refers to the information technology. It’s an inevitable trend in education development to use the IT to reform the traditional English teaching pattern, and make the scientific educational idea and advanced teaching method come into the classroom.
The contextual teaching is that the teachers set up a circumstance according to the real world, and the students are the main roles in the circumstance (Zhang XiangKui & Guan WenXin, 2000). It aims at developing students’ self learning. The language used in the contextual teaching is much closer to the students’ lives and easy to be absorbed by the students. The introduction of Information Technology in English teaching pours new life into contextual teaching. Because the contextual teaching adopts cases which are familiar and easy to understand, the introduction of IT enriches the background knowledge, stimulates the students’ activities and develops their influence greatly. The students have the desire to communicate with their classmates and teachers. In their communication, they are rivals and friends, they help with each other. For example, w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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