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揭示目前初中英语教学中存在的问题 [9]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-03编辑:lisa点击率:15476

论文字数:6320论文编号:org201002031126324175语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


hen we learn colors, we can use the IT to combine the colorful flowers with these colors. These colors come into sight with the flowers blossoming. And at the same time, we can link up the colors with the reality. The teacher can ask the students to use the following pattern to ask their parents or friends; such as: what color does you like best? What color does your friend/ father/mother like best? I like ……the best. He likes ……the best and so on. This kind of dialogue is not only to help the students practice their oral English, but also to help them to remember the new knowledge.
When using the Information Technology to set up the contextual teaching, the teachers should use the combination of the demonstration of computer and students’ real operation to improve their activities. And at the same time, the students can use the computer’s communicational function to decide what they can do and which strategy they should choose. This teaching method stresses that the center of the education is students. In such a case, the teacher can train their self learning.
F Evaluating and Treating Students fairly
Because of the students’ differences, their knowledge is different. The teachers should treat the students equally. Don’t only care about the good students, or ignore the poor students. The teachers cannot give up the poor students. The teachers should try their best to find out the poor students’ advantages to help them rebuild confidence. The proper praise, such as “good sentence”, “it’s very good”, can stimulate their activities to study. Otherwise, the teachers should often give them chances to show themselves and train themselves. The students are not only to pursuit the teachers’ praise. They look on the teachers’ praise as attention that the teachers give to them (Good, T., 1993 ). So, the process and result of the evaluation will lead to students’ change in psychology and their learning motivation. The experiment held by the psychologist Rosonthal and Jacbson proved that all the students who were recognized to have the possibility to develop obtained a better development after several months. This kind of effect is called “the Rosonthal effect” (Rosonthal, R.& Jacbson, L. , 1968). Another example, according to the Brophy’s conclusion, the teacher displays a big difference about the student who is given different expectation (Brophy, J.E & Good, T.L., 1994). Generally speaking, the positive evaluation can strength students’ motivation, but the passive evaluation can not. So, when teachers evaluate their students, they must pay attention to the following points: ① Teachers’ evaluation must keep objectivity and justice. They must avoid prejudice. ② The way to evaluate should be flexible. The teachers’ smiles, nods, gestures and simple words are all the evaluation about the students. But, too much or excessive praise can also decrease the effect. ③ The evaluation must pay much attention to students’ mental development.
When the teachers evaluate the students, they could see not only how much basic knowledge they know, but also how to use English to express their feelings. The teachers should do their work actively and warmly. Then, the students can just receive the benefits from the teachers

In China, the teaching conditions have been improved, but the teaching effect is not pleasant. The main reasons have many facets. The traditional educational system leads to the teacher-centered and t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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