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像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩 [4]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-04编辑:黄丽樱点击率:11610

论文字数:5599论文编号:org200904041114048371语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


ied many ways to make one. But he failed. Though he knew the methods, he did not have the materials. Observing carefully, he found the twigs which were as tough as the osiers in England. Then he tried again to make a basket with the twigs. Finally he succeeded. He also tried to make some earthen vessels many times. Owing to the soil structure, he failed again and again. After having labored hard to find the clay, he made some jars and several small things. Because of a happy accident, he found a broken piece of one of his earthen vessels burnt as hard as a stone, which brought him an idea of burning the whole vessel. Then he did so, and he succeeded in making some vessels and some pots. And he used these vessels and pots in his life. These necessities gave him some interest of life. Though he had some certain necessity of life, he was still in lack of a stone mortar. He planted barley and rice, so he needed a stone mortar to pound them into powder to make bread. But he was unqualified for a stonecutter, and the stone was in solid rock which was not fit for making a stone mortar. After a great deal of time was wasted in searching for it, he gave it up, and resolved to look out for a great block of hard wood. He finished it, and he ate the bread made by himself at last, which provided Robinson more food and made his life more wonderful. As Robinson said that reason is the substance and original of the mathematics, so by stating and squaring everything by reason and by making the most rational judgment of things, every man may be in time master of every mechanic art. (Daniel Defoe, 58) Robinson had never handled a tool in his life, but he could make out what he wanted through his labor, application and contrivance. He always brought new ideas to solve his problems, which stemmed from the enlightenments in his life. And he made his life on the island more comfortable. It seemed as if it were a kingdom of his own. D.Being Perseverant Twenty-eight years is not a short time. It is difficult to live on an alone island for a person for such a long time. And he must bear the bad condition. But Robinson survived. Though he was unfortunate, he refreshed and began to plan for his own life; though he was in lack of many things, he tried his best to make them out, not to just think about what he wanted; though the things he made were not good enough, they could be useful in his life; though he met with many difficulties, he never gave up. He was perseverant until he was saved. Living on an island alone for twenty-eight years is too difficult for a person. And he lived on the island with limited necessities. This was more difficult. And during the twenty-eight years, Robinson lived comfortably and created his own “kingdom”. This resulted from his perseverance. When he met with some difficulties, he never gave up his hope, and overcame the difficulties with amazing willpower and tenacity. At last, he was saved. And during the twenty-eight years, Robinson created the splendor of his life, which astonished many people. Ⅱ. Present Situation of Dealing with Adversity Nowadays people won’t have experience like Robinson Crusoe. But there is still some adversity in people’s life. For some reasons, some people can not deal with adversity very well. And they have some wrong ideas of dealing with adversity. A. The Causes of Dealing with Adversity Improperly There are various causes of dealing with adversity improperly, which can be divided into two论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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