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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-04编辑:黄丽樱点击率:11612

论文字数:5599论文编号:org200904041114048371语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


groups: one is the exterior cause, the other is interior one. The exterior cause is the basic one. With the development of the society, people’s life has become better and better. People are accustomed to a comfortable life. When they meet with adversity, they do not know what to do. For example, a young man has already been accustomed to ascendant life that his parents provide for him. If one day his parents can not provide him with such ascendant condition, what will he do? And the society and the family put much pressure on him. Thus he may not bear the pressure, and can not change the role well. Then he may go too far, even do some illegal things to meet his needs. Though people think those who can overcome the adversity are successful, the exterior pressure becomes one obstacle on the way. The interior cause refers to the psychological cause. It is the main reason. People always regard the adversity as something that is impossible for them to overcome. Thus they are unable to overcome it. People always feel that they lose all things in such a situation. Then they begin to be pessimistic, and complain. Fear and self-abasement are the obstacles on the way to victory. If one can not bear them, one will never be successful. Just as the Zurich Axiom saying goes: Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how to handle the worst. People should not be beaten by themselves. For instance, Beethoven, a famous musician, continued to compose after his hearing, and created the world-famous music. Whether one can overcome the difficulty or not depends on what they think of. B. Some Wrong Ideas of Dealing with Adversity Nowadays, many people have poor mentalities. They cannot treat the adversity properly. So they have some wrong ideas of dealing with adversity. Some people regard the adversity as the extreme which does not have room for convert. Consequently, they give up their hope, make no effort to get out, and they get a final loss. There is a parable about two frogs: two frogs fell into a jug which was filled with some milk. One frog thought that he would not get out of the jug for ever. Then he sank quickly. While the other made much effort to get out and succeeded in jumping out. It is easy to know the truth that adversity is different from extremity. Life is not fair. When one suffers the unfair treatment, he will complain about it constantly. And he will think he is the most unfortunate people in the world. In fact, it is meaningless. Hugo, a great French writer, was banished by the potentate, and wandered destitute far from home. Every day he always threw a lot of stones to the sea. When a brave child asked him the reason for it, he said that he discarded painfulness of himself by doing so. Thus he overcame the adversity, created splendor of his own and achieved a lot in his career. People who are not forethoughtful and do not create some conditions in adversity will not get away from the plight. Otherwise people who live in adversity are eager for chances. Chances belong to those who are prepared for them. One who is always positive and waits for the chance without considering the future or creating the chance will be beaten finally. Besides, people always lack the spirit to take a risk. It is as an old saying goes, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. A series of human being’s discoveries and creature, the transformation of societies begins with the adventures. Galileo’s Astrophysics and Columbia’s disco论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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