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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-04编辑:黄丽樱点击率:11611

论文字数:5599论文编号:org200904041114048371语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


very of the new land were owing to the adventures. If one never takes a risk or makes any mistakes, he will achieve nothing. If one will not write a letter when he does not know the appropriate wording. The result is that the letter will never be finished. This is the same as the truth that one who does not have the spirit of adventure will not be successful. Adventure and victory go hand in hand. Especially in today’s business, competitions require adventures. When one sinks into adversity in business, he has to take a risk and bring forth new ideas. Otherwise it will be difficult for him to move even one step forward. Being not persistent is another wrong idea of dealing with adversity. For every thing, people should keep doing and never give it up until they achieve the final success. There are many examples to prove the importance of persistency. Today, some people do not know for sure what they want. They have interest in every thing only for a short while. Finally, they have gained nothing. On the contrary, some people have the feasible dream and make sure what they really want. They persist in working hard for the life goal. In the end, they have achieved much in their life In adversity, people should be active to think of their future and create conditions to overcome the difficulties. Ⅲ. The Ways of Dealing with Adversity Properly A.Being Cognizant of the Adversity Properly Adversity is objective and people cannot help it. Only by recognizing the adversity properly can one make constant efforts in practice to get out of adversity. Adversity has its special meaning. It is different from trifles in the daily life. Adversity refers to the bumpy experience in one’s life, such as misfortune of a family, the attack of the natural calamity and something like these which brings torment to the body and mind. Failing in the college entrance exam is not an adversity. But when the student, who has not passed the exam, suffers the pressure of the society and family, it can be called being in adversity. Adversity can be changed into a good state. To some extent, if one can recognize the adversity properly, take of the chance, create the condition and change the bad factors into the good ones, he can change adversity into a good state. To be cognizant of the adversity properly and dare to confront the adversity, treat the adversity as severe test, one can make adversity a flashing point of his own life like Robinson Crusoe. B.Facing up to Adversity with Hope R.Tagore once said : “Where there is life there is hope.”(Cai Ningning, 89) It is easy to see that hope is very important in life, especially in adversity. In the same adversity, one who loses his own belief once he runs into the adversity will be never successful, while one who will not give up easily will succeed after overcoming a lot of difficulties. Only if one has hope in his mind, and he never gives it up, will he be successful at last. In adversity, there are two kinds of people: one is those who have no hope in their lives; the other is those who never give up their hopes. In the end, the latter will get out of adversity and create the splendor of their lives. Belief and hope are powerful support with which people can bear various difficulties in adversity. Einstein, a famous scientist, never dropped his hope in the adversity of scientific research. When his questions could not be explained by the law of Newton, he made research on nature constantly, and final论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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