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英语语言教学引入文化的必要性 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-20编辑:黄丽樱点击率:8560

论文字数:3699论文编号:org200904202327506557语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:negative influenceentrance examinationEnglish languagegrammar

efore, the main part of culture education in English teaching is to eliminate culture barrier, promote international understanding and reduce the misunderstanding. 2. The learners’ demand for interculture in communication General speaking people can remove some of the misunderstandings out of general knowledge. There is no doubt that such kind of phenomenon exists. However, general knowledge is usually impressed by culture background. The way of expression is related to culture background in different situations. It is not enough for the learners to use language in terms of grammar. How to say and what not to say are more important than what to say. Cultural misunderstanding often causes communication failures. So if the students or English learners want to realize cross culture communication, they must know culture background in order to promote the ability of using the language. 2.1 The misunderstanding of semantic meaning can be reduced with the culture knowledge Because of different history, belief and habit, different understanding, opinion and evaluation of something occur. For example, “drug store”, its real meaning isn’t understood by Chinese students. It is unimaginable for Chinese students to be able to buy food, drink and all kinds of daily products in drug store. In our country, drug can be sold only in hospital. It is not normal commodity, not the commodity like foods, which can be sold everywhere. Another example, dragon is the sacred symbol in China. A lot of words about dragon show that Chinese respect it very much. The expressions such as the “descendants of dragon”, “dragons rising and tigers leaping” are the evidences. However, dragon is the evil symbol in Bible. So in English and American publication “Four tigers of Asia” are changed into “Four dragons of Asia”. Third example, Jingji Prize is translated Gold Rooster prize, not Golden Cock Prize. The reason is that the word “cock”, its meaning is not only rooster but also male. It is the words that are avoided in English. Foreigners like little animals, which can be seen in their culture. So they often praise others like this “You are a gay dog”. “He is a lucky dog.” To Chinese, it is not easy to accept the expression. As soon as you meet these words “blue picture” “the blue-eyed dog” “to be green eyed” “green hand” “in the black” “gray mare”, you can’t understand them. Their meanings are “黄色电影” “红人” “ 嫉妒” “没经验” “不欠债” “母老虎”. If you are in your own culture stand, you will not understand them forever. 2.2 Culture background gives light on cross-cultural barrier in language Sometimes, you understand one sentence depending on your understanding to the culture. For example, if you don’t know the boxing is very popular with American, you can’t understand the sentence “When you are down, you don’t fail in the whole match. It encourages you to heighten your confidence when you meet with difficulty. Its meaning is that when others beat you, you don’t fail in the whole match. If you know culture backgrounds, you will not be in an awkward position sometimes because of culture differences. Example 1: A wants to ask the teacher from England for help. He asked the teacher like this: A: Are you busy recently, Professor B? B: Yes, very much. I’ve been working on an English play that will be put on next week. Because A begin a conversion asking for help according to Chinese habits, B doesn't understand A’s intention. There are some cultural differences b论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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