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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-20编辑:黄丽樱点击率:8559

论文字数:3699论文编号:org200904202327506557语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:negative influenceentrance examinationEnglish languagegrammar

Introduction Because of the negative influence of the entrance examination to college, English language in China is always confined to grammar and vocabulary. Therefore, the students though with a large vocabulary and a firm grasp of English language rules, they always meet the embarrassments as in the following dialogues 1. Mary: Woo, what a beautiful vase you have! Wang: Yes, I bought it this morning. Do you like it? Mary: Oh, I like it very much. Wang: Er. If you like it, keep it. 2. A: You look beautiful today. B: Oh. No, this is only an ordinary dress. Dialogues like this defy enumeration. Dialogue 1, Mary praises the vase in order to express her friendless or begins a conversion. Her real purpose is not to tell that she likes it so much that he wants to have it. But Wang misunderstands her. The same misunderstanding takes place in Example 2, When Chinese people received an appraise, they are inclined to be modest. And they are not used to compliment, they are afraid of giving others the feeling of not modest. However, the foreigners are willing to accept the praise, only answering “Thank you”. And they like to begin conversation by the way of praising others. That is relevant to foreign culture. Because Wang and B don’t know that, so the misunderstanding happens. These two examples show us that the reason is that culture elements affect directly people’s communication events and understanding of language. Chinese etiquette affects their answers. Therefore, culture must be led in English teaching. This is a way to help the students master the foreign language properly and use it freely and correctly. There is no doubt that it is necessary. 1. The relationship between culture and language teaching 1.1 Culture can’t be separated from language Sir Edward defined culture like this: culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief and moral, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. An American linguist E.Spair points out that culture is what a society have thought and done, and culture should include the three levels: material culture, custom culture and spirit culture. People in different parts of the world have different ways of doing things and different way of living. Thus, cultures of different countries are different from each other. And again we humans use language to express our ideas and communicate in our daily life, there is no doubt that the language application is restri cted and effected by human culture. Language and culture coexist and depend on each other. Language is not only the important part of culture but also a manifestation of it. In a word, each kind of language is established by a kind of culture: the structure of language always has certain culture connotation; the use of language always obeys the culture rules. Culture and language are closely related. In other words, culture is the foundation of language and culture is the background of language. The rich culture value of the nation and special cultural meaning are implied in language. So when the learners learn a kind of language, they must learn culture as well. When the teachers teach a kind of language, they should impart the kind of culture. Just like Robert Polizter said in Georgetown University’s fifth round-table conference about culture teaching and language: As language teachers we must be interested in t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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