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英语语言教学引入文化的必要性 [5]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-20编辑:黄丽樱点击率:8562

论文字数:3699论文编号:org200904202327506557语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:negative influenceentrance examinationEnglish languagegrammar

he learner’s second language. Therefore, the culture knowledge should be conducted in the course of English language teaching. 3. If the students’ demand for culture is satisfied, their motivations can be stimulated The center of teaching is the students. The students demand for culture knowledge. This demand for culture in the communication has lot of aspects. It not only includes the content directly effecting information transmission, but also the non- language form concern with value concepts, morality concept, ways of thinking and customs. What’s more, with the development of the level of their language, the new culture demand comes into being. In a word, English communication competence is the dynamic range. It is made up of a series of dynamic elements such as words, grammar, function, pronunciation and culture. So the culture develops continuously with the progress of English language learning and promotion of communication competence. In order to meet this kind of demand, culture should be added in English language teaching. Study motivation is one of the most important variable factors, which restricts the student’s result of foreign language study. In the motivation Test Battery designed by Gardner and Lambert, three testing criteria are included. Among these, the students’ attitude to the target language is included. It is thus clear that culture and motivation can’t be separated. The students’ motivation for English often comes from their interests. If there is no new information in the texts what the students learned. The students’ interest will reduce because they feel there is anything worth learning. Thus this affects the quality of study seriously. Especially for the elementary learners, they emphasize on basic skills. The objects that be drilled is the simple language form. But if the contents are so flat and inspired that the students are not only willing to learn. And the students are not enthusiastic about English teaching, But if in the course of teaching English, some culture knowledge are mentioned, students’ enthusiasm in study will heighten. If culture is conducted, the students can gain new information through English tool. They are willing to learn English naturally. There are a lot of topics about culture background in English teaching material. So if the teacher excavates the connotation, provide and replenish culture knowledge in order to higher the students’ enthusiasm. For example, when such situation happens in the dialogue, a child ask a question like this “How old are you?” An old woman answered in humorous intonation: “Ah, it’s a secret.” At that time, the teacher teaches some knowledge about privacy to the students: in the west, the age and the weight are “privacy”, and then the students can promote the cognition on the culture differences. It is naturally that the students’ interests will heighten. Another example, when the topic about festival occur the students want to know about how the festival come about, the time of celebration, the way of celebration, the presents and decoration. At that time, in order to get a deeper understanding of the culture differences, we can emphasize the contrast between Chinese and foreign spring festival. For example, contrast the Christmas with the spring festival, encourage the students to find the same points: they are the days when family reunite, they are the beginning of a new year, they are the days when dinner party are held and presents are sent t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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