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英语语言教学引入文化的必要性 [6]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-20编辑:黄丽樱点击率:8558

论文字数:3699论文编号:org200904202327506557语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:negative influenceentrance examinationEnglish languagegrammar

o each other. At the same time, encourage the students to find the differences, then in terms of culture, make the students understand the differences, especially the understanding of “Santa Clause Christmas trees, stocking” history origins. Those are the things that the students are interested in very much. If such kind of culture knowledge is led in English language teaching, the students’ motivation will heighten, which is helpful for English language teaching and learning. 4. Quality-oriented education requires cultural awareness Traditional English language teaching provides “pure” language knowledge education and only emphasizes knowledge, which caused the deadlock of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary teaching in language teaching. The students taught by this theory can pronounce correctly, know grammar well, remember vocabulary, but in practical jobs, they often write or speak some sentences inconsistent with English culture, even make up some sentences which make us not know how to response. Because they don’t know foreign culture background well and always are interfered by their Chinese culture. It is obvious that culture differences are the barrier of grasping foreign language. With the development of linguistics, we break through the fence “Study is language for language”. Communication function is considered the special features. So people have to change the teaching model and take the communication for language teaching. Therefore, culture has to be contained in language teaching. If you don’t understand the culture of the country whose language is being learned, you will only remember a series of impracticable symbols and it will be difficult for you to use. But nowadays, the students like above can’t be suitable for the demand of quality education. It is each teacher’s duty that in the English language teaching, quality-oriented education should be realized and makes each student grasp the language skill and improve pragmatic ability. Ministry of Education has ever emphasized that English language teaching is the education whose purpose is to train the students’ character, thoughts, language competence, and culture knowledge and know the culture differences. And improving the cross-culture communication competence is the most important part. The quality of using English language includes language knowledge, the four basic skills and free communication in English. The training of those qualities must deal with the relationship between culture and language, realize fully and pay more attention to culture differences is the way to enhance the students’ language quality. It can make t he students touch English in all-round way. In this way, it makes their knowledge structure can be improved. Though it is not certain that they will not work in English in future, but this kind of structure will exert a subtle influence on their ways of thoughts, the quality of mentality, the ability of working. Conclusion Language and culture are closely related. Language is a part of culture and language is the carrier of culture. And English is a kind of language, so English language teaching can’t separate from culture. In order to communicate freely and appropriately, and stimulate the students’ motivation by the way of satisfying the students’ demand for culture and meet the demand of strengthening the culture awareness in the quality-oriented education. English language learning and teaching is a complex and difficult proces论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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