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我国商务英语发展的现状及前景 [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2011-06-15编辑:sally点击率:2913

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201106150855582180语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



inguistics,English applied linguistics to take its rationale or to use the economic theory merely to take its rationale merely,is unable to manifest the commercial English achievement to involve many classes,the interdisciplinary overlapping complex compound characteristic and the discipline independence and the integrity.Therefore,the commercial English discipline should be English linguistics and the economy class discipline organic synthesis,is the two intercross and a fusion emerging discipline; English linguistics,English applied linguistics and the economical, the management class discipline's related theory should be this discipline development rationale.two,commercial English special course present situation at present,the domestic start commerce English special course's colleges and universities had more than 400 institutes,the covering foreign language class,the technical kind,the farming and forestry class,the pedagogical kind,the economics and trade class and so on different category university.

In the recent years commerce English educational reform,various colleges and universities took the curriculum system's reform,has made some adjustments and the present paper to the traditional commerce English curriculum discusses law www.51lunwen.com by the without cause for grief to reorganize provides the reform,has made certain progress.

Present commercial English curriculum,in traditional language knowledge(for example English perusal,English general- comprehension reading,English hearing,spoken English and so on) and commercial skill class curriculum commercial English in the foundation,additionally built the specialized knowledge class curriculum(for example international trade and settlement, international finance,economics and trade contract,international commercial law and so on)and the background class knowledge class curriculum(for example the UK-US culture,UK-US publication selective reading).https://www.51lunwen.org/englishpaper.html This kind of curriculum system changed past to press the discipline and the specialized establishment curriculum procedure completely,has highlighted ability and the skill raise and the training,has expanded cultural and the economics and trade foundation,but still had some noticeable problems.If the curriculum is alternately redundant,the differentiation has-odd,the comprehensive in sufficiency,lacks the theory basis,has not been able to manifest the new education thought and the new talented person quality view fully,waits for further discussing and consummating.


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