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浅析上海导游服务的现状 [3]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-09编辑:刘宝玲点击率:5809

论文字数:10000论文编号:org200904091201561477语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:上海导游现状导游服务tour guidesCurrent SituationTourism

ound and good morality. Of all the tour guides in Shanghai, the graduates from senior school of secondary technical school are about 41.7 percent. And the tour guide graduating from junior colleges are only taking up 48.3 percent. Few graduates of a bachelor degree will be engaged in the career as tour guides. In addition, the request to the people who want to attend the test as a tour guide is lower comparatively. The graduates of senior school just can be qualified to take part in the test. It is reported that there are about 6,000 people who will apply to attend in the test this year. It is because of the low door to the test that tourism industry is in a shortage of both skilled tour guide covering some international guides and interpreters. Most of the tour guides in Shanghai are not available for the high education and professional techniques. 2.4 Misunderstanding of the Tour guide Career Firstly, many graduates hold the idea that since their major is “tourist management” so they are bound to be a manager even at the initial stage, therefore, it is very common for them to change jobs to avoid the tiring task as a tour guide in the first line. Secondly, some people think that the tour guide should be serve customers. It seems that this career is lower than any other vocations in the rank. But the truth is on the contrary. The tourism industry in Shanghai is becoming the key line for the third industry. Then the government is paying more attention and cost a lot to this business in order to attract more top tourist talents. At last, in some people’s eyes, this career is unstable. The tour guide cannot be paid steady income every month. However, in most cases, people think tour guide in Shanghai should rely on the backhander from the customer rather than the wage from the tourist agencies. 3. Several Suggestions on Improving Tour guide Service in Shanghai 3.1 Improving Tour guide Capacity Tour guide is a developing occupation in Shanghai. Of course, tour guides should seek for more improvement during the course of the development. Meanwhile tour guides should do more to leave a deep image and impression as a tour guide to the visitors. A good tour guide must be firstly of the merits as follows. To make better training of the good tour guide, on 6th July 2004, the first tourism talents nurturing base in Shanghai is established in Shanghai Junior College of Tourism. The first nurturing base for tourism talents is built on the cooperation between school and company. The tourism company provides the program with teaching equipments, while the college is responsible for the course design and reaching organization. They are making joint efforts to train high quality tour guides. Additionally the government should strengthen the continual education and training. Professional training ensures tourist service quality. The professional skill is very important during the course of training but the vocational ethics also counts a great deal. 3.2 Changing concept of tour guide service As a capable third industry, tourism industry turns out to be a new growth point of our national economy; it plays a positive role in absorbing labor forces. However, there are some wrong ideas in the job seeking in the tourism industry. For example, as a tour guide there is no need to have a high educational background. Tour guide is not a grace job. Actually it is only one-sided aspect. Meanwhile this idea is not good for attract the top tour gui论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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